- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
An Unexpected Party Winds Down
Good night, room. Good night, moon.
Goodnight, Dwarves, Thorin and crew.
Good night, Balin. Good night, Dwalin.
Good night, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur.
Good night Oin. Good night Gloin.
Good night, Nori, Ori, and Dori.
Good night, Fili. Good night, Kili.
Good night, ale. Good night, tea.
Good night, tiny dragon I will never meet.
Good night, mountain. Good night, map.
Good night, what's left of table scraps.
Good night, uninvited guests.
Good night, grey wizard who got me into this confounded mess.
Good night, stars. Good night, air.
Good night, noises everywhere.
[Tip: Switch "Misty Mountains" to random to have it play once an hour. Mute it and turn on "Hobbiton" to continuous or random for a "Wake Up, Bilbo!" vibe.]
Comments for "An Unexpected Party Winds Down"
License details for "An Unexpected Party Winds Down"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Clinking Teacups by ahill86 at http://freesound.org +)
- Man clearing his throat by DarkDeej +)
- Soft Snoring by Jack Strebor +)
- calm fireplace by kangaroo +)
- Hobbiton by Lord of the Ring +)
- Windy ambience by mrauralization from http://freesound.org +)
- Misty Mountains cold 2 by Richard Armitage, The Dwarf Cast +)
- Pouring hot tea by Taira Komori from freesound.org +)
Image from: New Line Cinema