- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Edoras (Rohan)
"I see a white stream that comes down from the snows", he said. "Where it issues from the shadow of the vale a green hill rises upon the east. A dike and mighty wall and thorny fence encircle it. Within there rise the roofs of houses; and in the midst, set upon a green terrace, there stands aloft a great hall of Men. And it seems to my eyes that it is thatched with gold. The light of it shines far over the land. Golden, too, are the posts of its doors." - The Two Towers, Chapter 6: The King of the Golden Hall
I highly recommend listening to the Rohan themes from the LOTR soundtrack with this atmosphere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOA1wBw_Jt4
No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to Howard Shore, WMG (on behalf of Reprise), and SGTBizarro's YouTube channel.
Comments for "Edoras (Rohan)"
License details for "Edoras (Rohan)"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Horse in forest whinnies by arnaud coutancier from freesound.org +)
- Flapping Cotton by Benboncan from http://freesound.org +)
- Wind in the Grass by ciccarelli from http://www.freesound.org +)
- Rocky footsteps by Freesound.ord +)
- Horses passing by by gr8sfx +)
- Mountain stream by PJ Earl +)
- Blacksmith's Workshop by Sorry, can't remember +)
- Mountain Wind Ambience by Taira Komori's Japanese Free Sound Effects: http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html +)