- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Last Night on Middle-Earth
Its late at night now, when the company begin to the settle down. Bilbo has gone off to bed, and Gandalf to his own.
The company are all spread out in the living room. Some on chairs, some on the sofa, a few on the window seat, and even one or two sat upon the floor on cushions. You are curled on one side of the sofa, Fili and Kili sharing it with you.
The company begins to hum, a low soothing tone resembling a lullaby. Then they sing with deep, soft voices mixing together.
Your eyes begin to droop with each verse, open and shut. open. shut. open. shut.
You don't realise as you drift off to sleep that you are now laying down with your head on Fili's lap. you don't feel a blanket being laid over you as you drift off to sleep.
the low lullaby still being hummed and sung in the background of your dreams.
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License details for "Last Night on Middle-Earth"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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