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Night watch at Fangorn
At the border of the Fangorn Forest, the brotherhood settled for the night. It's your turn to do the night watch. It's cold and an electrical storm is over Isengard, maybe to punish Saruman for harboring hordes of Orcs. You can see the Orthanc at the distance and every now and then you hear those evil creatures growling and screaming, but you do not allow fear to overwhelm you. Instead you focus on staying warm, relying on your campfire, pouring some tea in a mug and sipping it while trying to figure out how can you convince the Ents to fight against Saruman and his evil allies.
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License details for "Night watch at Fangorn"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Moon and forest night sounds by Ambience +)
- Monster groß by +)
- Pouring Water by Jkrint1 from +)
- Dry Thunder3 by juskiddink from +)
- Orc snarl - 1 by Peter Jackson's LOTR Orc from Youtube video +)
- Orc snarl - 3 by rwh7272 +)
- Crackling Fire by sagetyrtle from +)
- Drinking Sip Swallow Gasp 2 by Stevious42 on +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License